About Therapist



About therapist

Prachi Goradia Mehta has been active in the field of yoga since the age of 12. Owing to her intense passion for holistic fitness, spirituality and spirit of bringing the healing sciences to all the strata of the society she completed her Diploma in Yoga and diploma in naturopathy from Yoga Vidya Niketan at the age of just 16 years.

She holds an MA (Yoga) from KJSBSP – kavikulguru kalidas sanskrit university. During her time at KJSBPB she conducted multiple camps with people of various age groups, lifestyles and therapeutic requirements, which helped her develop her counselling skills along with finetuning her teaching and treatment protocols.

Prachi Goradia Mehta also is a certified nutrition counselor and has worked on the nutrition requirements of people with various ailments including cancer and diabetes. While pursuing her diploma she did a project on treating migraine through yoga and Pranayama. During her final year of post-graduation, she completed a successful thesis on the topic of 'sattvic diet and yoga' for which she received the highly coveted A grade. This thesis by her also brought about a successful conglomeration of the subject of the science of yoga and yogic diet with modern nutrition for her on the professional front.

She is a certified Arhatic Yoga Pranic Healer. Pranic healing focuses on the holistic healing of the major chakras and energy systems of our body.

She uses her practical knowledge of these three ancient sciences as a means of therapy providing inexpensive, non-invasive, long lasting holistic healing to many.

In Association with a renowned ayurvedic doctor Dr Mahesh Sanghavi, she has now developed yoga + ayurveda based programs for infertility , Garbha Sanskar / Prenatal yoga and Post Natal yoga.

Her primary focus is in the field of 'garbhasanskar' which mainly includes holistic pre-natal care for both the mother and the unborn child. She’s well experienced in teaching Prenatal Yoga for more than 5yrs. Prenatal yoga requires detailed knowledge about the human anatomy , since pregnant women need to be treated with utmost care and vigilance and Prachi has successfully managed to incorporate that in her programs.